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In a nutshell
How do you become a professional soccer player or rapper? In this interview series, exceptional athletes and artists reflect on their lives and offer tips that would have helped them earlier.

Adrian Mattern
The whitewater kayaker from Heidelberg talks about dreams, risk assessment, and why fear is not his enemy.
Music has always been a part of her life: the Hamburg rapper and actress talks about her path to becoming a professional musician.
Jason Paul
Freerunner Jason Paul talks about growing up and how he found his own path.



Behind the Scenes
As a bonus to our lovely moving images, we wanted to take you along on our production journey. A fun little insight behind the curtains.
Executive Producer
1st AC
Post Producer
Tobias Bucher
Tobias Bucher
Julian Pfretschner
Arne Totz
Moritz Dehler
Tobias Bloier
Amy Sander
Leonhard Kätzel
Stephan Conrad
Tobias Bucher
Julian Pfretzschner